

Through deep understanding and direct harnessing of the laws of nature. We help you connect with your deceased loved ones to answer questions you might have for them.

What is a Mediumship?

Mediumship is the divine blessing of connecting with the spirits of departed loved ones. Daksh, a psychic medium, facilitates real-time communication between the living and the spirit world, conveying messages and insights. Acting as a bridge, Daksh brings comfort, guidance, healing, and closure to those seeking solace for their grieving hearts.

Benefits of Mediumship Reading?

  • Seek Inner Peace: Experience reassurance and peace through connecting with departed loved ones.
  • Receive Advice: Gain valuable advice and wisdom from the spirit realm.
  • Emotional Healing: Encounter emotional healing as you connect with the love of departed spirits.
  • Spiritual Exploration: Deepen your understanding of the afterlife through Mediumship Readings.
  • Receive Guidance: Obtain support and guidance from the other side for life’s trials.
  • Closure: Address lingering emotions and find closure by conversing with passed loved ones.

What to Expect?

Mediumship Readings deliver messages from departed souls, shedding light on their journey and spiritual evolution. These sessions provide specific answers and insights into your inquiries.

Since departed souls lack a physical body for traditional communication, they convey messages through signs, symbols, or images. These are decoded and translated into answers even before your questions are posed.

Please note that the physical presence of departed loved ones during the reading should not be anticipated.

Daksh kakkar

Meet your guide: Daksh Kakkar

Unlock the extraordinary with Psychic Medium Daksh, your trusted link between realms. As a gifted psychic medium, I bridge the gap between the physical world and the realm of spirits. Connect with departed loved ones and gain insight into their messages. With my profound visions, I guide you towards a future filled with purpose and fulfilment helping you embrace inner peace and unlock your true potential. Let’s embark on a spiritual journey together, where you become who you were always meant to be.

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Debasish Nanda - Chairman, Coal India

Daksh, a true prodigy with exceptional capabilities and skills. Had an amazing session with him, which was very helpful in mitigating the excruciating pain and imparting with us a meaning to pass through the most difficult period of our life. The most amazing thing was the way he handled the session full of empathy and sensitivity. It is a therapy worth experiencing. Please keep up your enthusiasm and continue to support persons with misery and mitigate their sorrows……

Shalini Vasudeva - Lt. Colonel, Indian Army

I had gone through a very bad time in my life, I lost somebody who was very dear to me, it left a very big impact on me I was sort of derailed. I wanted closure so I came across Mr. Daksh, he helped me a lot to find all my answers which made me calm and brought stability to my life. For everyone who has lost someone they should definitely go to him for closure.

Bhawna Udhrain - Biologist, Cambridge

I just finished my session with Daksh and oh my goodness it went on for a few hours. I'm feeling extremely rejuvenated after it. I really needed this session as I really wanted to connect with my parents who have both passed, I had been feeling them around and I was really surprised with all the details he shared without me telling anything to him. It's been an eye-opening experience for me, it was my first time with a medium and I luckily got the best one. Thank you for everything. I look forward to having more sessions.

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4.9 stars out of 282 reviews

Frequently Asked Questions About Psychic Readings

Empower yourself to unlock your inner potential and liberate your untapped energies by decoding signs from your past, present and future for your career and professional life.

During a psychic reading session, you can expect the psychic to tune into your energy and provide insights into areas such as relationships, career, finances, health, and personal growth. They may use tools such as tarot cards, crystals, or pendulums, or they may rely solely on their intuition.

While psychic readings can provide insights and predictions about possible future events, it’s important to remember that the future is not set in stone. Your actions and choices can influence the outcome of future events, so the information provided during a psychic reading should be viewed as guidance rather than a definitive prediction.

You can ask questions about any area of your life that you seek guidance or clarity on, such as relationships, career decisions, personal growth, or spiritual development. Avoid questions that involve predicting specific outcomes or seeking information about others without their consent.

Psychic readings can provide valuable insights and perspectives that may assist you in making important decisions. However, ultimately, the choices you make are your own responsibility. Use the information provided during the reading as guidance to help inform your decisions but trust your intuition and inner wisdom above all else.

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