
Frequently Asked Questions

You share the picture of the departed soul thereafter we help you convey messages from other side as long as the session last.

No, as it happens with the departed soul’s permission unlike conjure/Tantrik black occult sciences. Its more like a phone call to the other side and nobody gets hurt from a phone call of a loved one. Above all we care for karma.

No, you need to have developed psychic abilities so as to understand, interpret and comprehend. Hence forth you need a help of a professional.

If you have come across this page, it’s not a mere coincidence, it’s very likely that a person you are trying to contact also wants you contact you at that moment. You can choose to do it later but since it’s like a phone call they might pick up or they might not..

To get that closure you have been longing for all this while and to pass the last message you wish you had conveyed. Further, you can seek guidance message for your present/ future, from their wisdom..

They have meaning to give you a message all along, which goes unnoticed as layman and that’s where I come in, to comprehend & communicate across the veil.

Can you just pay my regards and tell them I love them?

Yes of course you can in a paid session, but you can seek guidance as well for future.

Right before you sleep say this out loud 3x- “Please (name) give me a clear signal in my dream and/or when I am awake. To know you are ready to communicate with me via Daksh”.

Years of expertise clubbed with their willingness to communicate has lead you uptil this point. Rest assured you will be glad that you communicated with them as personalized memories, signs and Messages are shared known only to you..

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